Il regista e fotografo TS Scott ha organizzato una collezione di "nudi in vasca da bagno" a scopo benefico per raccogliere fondi da destinare al Breast Cancer Research, TS Scott ha messo insieme una collezione di eccezionali fotografie visibili su flickr.com intitolata In the Tub . Una galleria in cui ritrae vari personaggi famosi svestiti e immersi in una vasca da bagno. Alcuni componenti del cast di Spartacus, ad esempio, come Liam McYntire (Spartacus) e Dan Feurregel (Agron) e le new entry Christian Antidormi (Tiberius) e Todd Lasance (Giulio Cesare). E molti altri nomi come David James Elliott (JAG – Avvocati in divisa) e il compianto Larry Hagman (Dallas).
Actor BLESSING MOKGOHLOA who plays Castus on the up-coming season of 'SPARTACUS' did an 'IN THE TUB' Coffee Table Book portrait shoot - profits to Breast Cancer Research
CHRISTIAN ANTIDORMI from our 'IN THE TUB' Coffee Table Book shoot, profits to Breast Cancer Research. He is fantastic in the upcoming season of 'Spartacus' - a real rising star.
VIVA BIANCA who plays IlIthyia on SPARTACUS in her 'IN THE TUB' Portrait Book shoot (Profits to Breast Cancer Research)
Actor NICK TARABAY of Spartacus dropped by to do an 'In The TUb' shoot for my Coffee Table Book (Profits to Breast Cancer Research)
Stephen Dunlevy, who plays 'The Egyptian; on the hit series 'SPARTACUS' made a splash for my 'IN THE TUB' Coffee Table Book (Profits to Breast Cancer Researc
KATRINA LAW who plays MIRA in the tv series SPARTACUS - from her 'IN THE TUB' Coffee Table Book Portrait shoot (Profits to Breast Cancer Research)
From my 'IN THE TUB' Coffee Table Book shoot, with LIAM McINTYRE - 'SPARTACUS'. (Profits to Breast Cancer Research

Actor TODD LASANCE plays a wonderfully charming and devious Julius Caesar in the up-coming season of 'SPARTACUS'. This is from our 'INTHE TUB' Coffee Table Book - profits to Breast Cancer Research.
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