mercoledì 15 luglio 2009

VARIETY conferma gli incassi record da oltre $22 milioni per HARRY POTTER 6 alle anteprime della mezzanotte.

UPDATE: rivisti ancora i dati, Hollywood Reporter e altri analisti indicano in $22,200,000 gli incassi della mezzanotte !!!

Anche VARIETY conferma le previsioni, con $20 milioni incassati con i soli spettacoli della mezzanotte Harry Potter il Principe Mezzosangue registra il record di tutti i tempi superando i $18m di Il Cavaliere Oscuro i $17m per Star Wars Episodio III e i $16m incassati qualche settimana fa da Transformers 2 .

Le stime per i primi 5 giorni di programmazione a questo punto sono riviste al rialzo con incassi di $200 milioni.

Anche in Italia arrivano notizie positive per il box office con lunghe file già per gli spettacoli di oggi pomeriggio, nonostante le temperature roventi in tutta Italia alle 15 all'apertura delle multisale molti i fans di Potter ad assistere alla visione del sesto episodio.


In a massive start, Warner Bros.’ “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” was on course to score the best midnight gross of all time, taking in as much as $20 million when opening at 12:01 a.m. Wedneday at the domestic B.O., according to early estimates.
That figure beats the $18 million earned in midnight runs by Warners’ very own “The Dark Knight” and the $17 million earned by 20th Century Fox’s “Star Wars: Episode III —Revenge of the Sith.”
“Half-Blood Prince” opens in the same Wednesday slot that “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” did in 2007. “Order of the Phoenix” grossed $12 million in midnight runs on its way to a $139.7 million five-day debut.
B.O. observers expect the boy—or rather, teenage—wizard to be as popular as ever, if not more so. It’s been two years since the last Potter pic, or the last book in J.K. Rowling’s series, creating a pent-up demand.
Earlier this summer, Paramount’s “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen,” also opened on a Wednesday, grossed $16 million in midnight runs.

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